Another Irresponsible Generation On The Way
And what is wrong with letting children have the experience of having someone to love and care for, so that they learn how to be responsible members of society, so that they develop the ability to care for someone other than their selfish selves and their own inflated delusions of grandeur? It's no wonder the world's going to hell in a handbasket, all of this Me, Me, Me, it's all about me and to hell with anyone else. It is of some comfort to know that children who are taught to be self-obsessed and self-indulgent will, when their parents become senior citizens and eventually infirm, have learned the lessons of their youth very well...
Terry L. Clark
The original email read:
Hello everyone,
My tenderhearted neighbor rescued a beautiful light gray pregnant stray cat from traffic a couple of months ago. Since she has exotic cats at her house she thought it would be a good idea for my kids to take in the cat and care for her during her confinement. They agreed (when I wasn't home) and now $265 in vet bills and cat stuff later we have a sweet mama cat, very well mannered and social, and 5 feisty kittens that have just turned a month old.
We are having fun getting them weaned and box trained. My plan is to go back to having ZERO cats at my house ASAP so if anyone would like the mama and/or a kitten let me know. I will get their shots, get mama spayed and declawed, whatever it takes. Mama comes with all the normal cat paraphenalia that you would expect. (She really IS sweet and pretty) The kittens are very socialized, having been receiving nonstop visitors from among the neighborhood kids night and day, to cuddle them and tell them how cute they are.
One is solid black, the others are black with some gray stripes. Their names are Shaq, Tiger, Batman, Wonder Woman and Bubbles. Mama is Daisy. Let me know if there is anyway I can bribe you to adopt one of these darling kitties!!!!! I am not beneath groveling and doing whatever it takes! And you might as well know that according to my kids I am a mean, cold-hearted cat hater and I just blew my nomination for Mother of the Year!
Meow, meow, meow......
My reply to that email elicited the following response, below, the need for free spay/neuter programs--and I would not limit such programs to those who walk on four legs--for anyone without regard to income. The response simply confirms my point about the need for children to learn and be taught responsibility. Inmates run the asylum, children run the family. Perhaps one of the children will grow old (not up), dodge the draft and go a.w.o.l., and who knows, maybe even achieve high political office thanks not to their own talents, but due to family contacts and power.
Nothing is wrong with letting children have the experience of loving and caring for something other than themselves. The problem here is that the kids have been enjoying having the mama cat and then the kittens to amuse themselves with, but when it comes to the actual caring of them they are not stepping up to the plate. For instance, when the litter box needs cleaned there is always grumpiness or an arguement about whose turn it is. And unless I nag, or do it myself, it doesn't get done. Since I have my own five kids, a husband, a grandchild, a restaurant, catering business and a real estate business to care for, my plate is full. I have decided the cats deserve a home where they WILL be given the care they deserve. And the part about being a mean, cold-hearted cat hater was as attempt at humor, in reality I am none of those things. And I could beat out most women for Mother of the Year!
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