Rolling Stone & Biden: A Reminder Of The Importance Of Context
Tim Dickinson of Rolling Stone had the following Post:
8/18/06, 1:54 pm EST
Quote of the Day: Biden and Wiretaps
“No one is against wiretapping suspected terrorists. The question is how to bring this program within the law.” — 2008 contender Sen Joe Biden (D-Delaware) responding to the ruling that Bush’s warrantless NSA wiretaps are unconstitutional. -- Tim Dickinson
My reply, Posted to the Comments section:
I'm no fan of Biden--far from it. However, the quote you provide, however delightful, is taken out of context. The preceding paragraph of the Chicago Times article states:
"Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) said the decision "confirms the doubts I have had about the program's constitutionality ever since I first learned about it." He urged the White House to work with Congress to make changes to the program."
Read in context, I think it is clear that Biden agrees that the program is unconstitutional, and needs to be brought within the confines of the Constitution.
Are there many RepublicoFascists in Congress and elsewhere that think a law passed by Congress will make constitutional that which is unconstitutional? Absolutely. Is Biden one of them? Maybe--but that's not what he said.
Let those of us who believe that FauxNews is nothing more than the modern equivalent of a Goebbels propaganda organ be careful not to emulate Faux by taking things out of context.
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