Date: Jul 16, 2008
Subject: I'm in Tears, & pleading for help from Fellow Rescuers.
OK, so today I went against my logical thinking side, a rescue agreement not to take more than we can afford, & advice from a now very angry mother.
I'm involved with a newly formed rescue, Project Paws, Inc. We are newly started, and are still working on our 501 C3. It's pending. We basically formed because recently animal control for this county was stopped & strays have no place to go. They will now be hit by cars, shot & poisoned.
We have done 3 fundraisers in the 3 months we have been formed, and have saved over 35 animals so far. We are Extremely full... all 7 of our foster homes, and just don't have enough money in our bank account to take any more.
So... we got a call from this old lady, who was crying & pleading for our help. A stray dog had been in the neighborhood for the past 3 weeks... all the neighbors were throwing sticks & rocks at it...trying to make it go away, even going as far as shooting at it...hoping to get rid of it. The dog kept coming to her house & she kept chasing it away.
On Sunday, the dog collapsed & fell down her steps. The dog was too malnourished, skinny, weak & dehydrated to go on any longer. so she fed it a meal finally. Her husband told her if it wasn't gone by tonight...he was shooting it in the head.
So today, the Treasurer of
Project Paws & I went & got the dog. If anything...to have her humanely euthanized.
This is what we found: an extremely skinny, sad looking dog, with the sweetest personality & a strong will to live. Right now she is sleeping on my bed. I bathed her, she was covered in blood from fleas, and very matted. You can't tell in the picture...but I can feel EVERY bone in her body. Her skull is even sunk in! She has little to NO muscle mass, and has hair loss from no nutrition.
This is where I need help!
Project Paws has no money in our accounts. We have medical bills that have to be paid from other rescue dog & cats. I want to prove to my mom, and help give
Project Paws a little inspiration in this dark time. I need to some how, get donations to have her spayed, Heartworm tested, dewormed, and get her shots.
The total price is about $120 dollars. Is there any way, we could spread the word & have everyone just donate $5 to help toward her medical costs.
I named her Sweetie! That's all she is! She is about 5 yrs old & has nearly been starved to death & shot in the head. She needs help &
Project Paws is in terrible need of funding to help her.
We are working on setting up a Paypal account...but donations can also be mailed to:
Project Paws
PO Box 1646
Murphy, North Carolina 28906