Sunday, March 27, 2022

Jack Maxey Declares Hunter Biden Laptop Shows ‘Secret Biological Projects’ In Ukraine

Friday, March 11, 2022

Bill Sardi: RIP, Leaving Us A Final Warning

While there are not YET definite/final answers as to what happened, the article provides an excellent discussion of how now, more than ever, you put your life in serious danger going to America's HELLspitals.

Sometimes HELLspitals are, or seem, unavoidable. The article covers things to watch out for, especially in these days where it's the 1930's all over again. It also serves as a cautionary tale of how important it is to carefully choose your medical advocate via Medical Power Of Attorney.

Bill was lucky in that he had supporters who would have financially backed up his Medical POA. For many, alas, a piece of paper without the means to implement/enforce the directives by going to Court is, like Dubya described the US Constitution, "Just a GD piece of paper".


Bill Sardi Transitioned Out, Via Hospital: Great MYSTERY, Given What He Took

Saturday, March 05, 2022

He's Alive...He's Alive!!!