Friday, March 31, 2023

We Stopped, And Look Where We Are Now

 Back in the day when we created future adults in this country, rather than lifetime infantiles!

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Monday, March 27, 2023

The Committed And The Exposed


Sunday, March 26, 2023

Returning To Some Of Our Less-Tangled Roots

Naomi Wolf has long been one of my favorite modern writers. See, for example, "Give Me Liberty: A Handbook For American Revolutionaries" and "The Bodies of Others; The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against The Human".

Long before the IRS and FEMA—without resistance from most businesses, er “churches”--were revealed to be calling the shots, many felt no connection with the “Cartoon” or “Corporate” versions of religion. Martin Luther King, Jr., was one of the last whose words resonated with spirituality. After his removal, he was replaced in the media with Charles Manson, the illusion of Guyana, and pedophile priests running amok.

Whether we are seeing a renaissance of actual spirituality, or just the same old moving of the pawns to divide and conquer, is unclear. If people of good conscience do their homework, rather than just self-program with what they are being fed, it may all work out whatever the intent of Buffalo Bob.

Naomi takes us back to some of our roots. Be sure to catch the Link toward the end of the article, where she reads some excerpts.

“I was searching for the earliest English translation of the Bible from the Hebrew — because, of course, I am seeking guidance and comfort in a time of chaos and crisis. The Great Bible is the earliest translation. But the 1560 Geneva Bible, which I have been reading, has completely astonished me.”


“It was compiled by Protestant dissidents who had fled England under Queen Mary Tudor’s ("Bloody Mary’s") reign--seeking to avoid martyrdom. They put together this translation from the Hebrew while gathered in Switzerland. They wrote it so that anyone literate could understand it--and added, for the first time, cross-references and marginal notes, and even maps.

This version is the one used by William Shakespeare, John Donne, John Milton-- but also by the Puritans, and by our own Founders.

As I read it, I understood why the Geneva Bible was banned by King James, who commissioned the official — beautiful but state-sanctioned — King James Version. The Geneva Bible is incredibly subversive and liberating, and awe-inspiring, just as the original Hebrew is transformational and liberating and awe-inspiring. Reading it, I understood why the Puritans would give up everything and sail across unknown seas to create a sacred community in the wilderness. I understood what gave our Founders the courage to challenge the greatest Empire on earth at that time.”

My Mind Blown by 1560 Geneva Bible

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We Know. Let's Roll.

The Late John Judge was fond of observing, "The American people are allowed to believe whatever they want. But not to know".

We know.

They know we know.

It is said that the truth will set you free, but too many are still afraid, like a junkie in the alley, to remove the syringes filling them with lies. Filling the world with carnage.

The rivers of Denial are drying up.

From Margaret Anna Alice's Post:

The following poem was inspired by a conversation with Mike Yeadon. We have both independently noticed the increasing use of terms like “bungled” and “blunder” to describe the crimes against humanity perpetrated under the cloak of COVID. Even well-meaning people who share similar values and goals sometimes fall into this trap being set by those preparing their parachute jump from culpability.

This Anthem for Justice is my attempt to succinctly chronicle the calculated intentionality underlying the COVID tyranny, and I ask your help in spreading the clear message that #MistakesWereNOTMade. Please share this poem and keep it handy for the next time anybody uses verbiage to gloss over the atrocities committed. Let’s make 2023 the Year of Accountability so none dare repeat such acts in the future.

Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice

The video included in Margaret's Post is surprisingly, as of this writing, still on YouTube. If the video is gone by the time you read this, you can watch it—only four minutes—on Rumble.

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They Inject Horses Don't They

"A horse involved in the production of The Lord Of the Rings: The Rings Of Power died on the set of the Prime Video series in the U.K. last week."


"'Both a veterinarian and a representative of the American Humane Association were present at the time. The independent necropsy has confirmed that the horse died of cardiac failure.'"


“This is the first known horse fatality in the 50-year history of the company, owned by horsemasters Daniel and Camilla Naprous and their father Gerard, which is based in Buckinghamshire and operates in Europe.

The horse who died was standing with around 20 other horses when it suffered cardiac failure...”

Horse Dies On Set Of ‘The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power’

Let's start connecting the obvious dots, shall we?

"Measuring mRNA markers might offer an economical, effective, and noninvasive way to detect horses at risk of catastrophic injury."


"Measuring mRNA markers might offer an economical, effective, and noninvasive way to detect horses at risk of catastrophic injury."


"They collected blood samples from September 2017 and May 2020 from 904 horses, including:

* 107 horses that experienced catastrophic injuries;

* 205 horses from the same races as catastrophically injured horses, as post-race controls;

* 374 random pre-race controls; and

* 218 horses they ended up excluding (e.g., catastrophic injuries due to clipped heels or noninjured controls that did not race again within 90 days of their sample collection).

The researchers conducted mRNA analysis on each sample for 21 genes known to play roles in inflammation, bone repair/remodeling, tissue repair, and/or injury response.

Study Results

After comparing blood samples, the researchers identified three promising mRNA markers for identifying horses at risk of catastrophic injury:"


"Future Applications

Page suggested veterinarians could use mRNA markers as a pre-race screening tool, collecting and testing blood samples three to five days before a race to identify horses that should be examined further with advanced imaging modalities. 'We can run hundreds of samples per day and return those results within two to three days,' he said."

3 Biomarkers Linked to Catastrophic Injuries in Racehorses

So if hundreds of samples can already be tested daily with horses, why not expand the testing capabilities and do that with humans, starting with athletes?

Tracking down confirmation took longer than I expected. The information is available. I've seen it before, but wanted to provide sources. It's “Curious” that the search engines didn't pop the answer up right away. Eventually, if things don't change, the facts will be removed altogether—as has occurred already. Alternatively, the search engines will be further fine-tuned or blocked to prevent finding inconvenient truths.

After tweaking the search criteria I found this interesting item from the MSD [Merck] Veterinary Manual:

“DNA Plasmid Vaccines
Animals may also be immunized by injection of DNA encoding viral antigens. This DNA is inserted into a bacterial plasmid, a piece of circular DNA that acts as a vector. When the genetically engineered plasmid is injected, it is taken up by host cells. The DNA is then transcribed, and mRNAs are translated to produce the vaccine protein.”

Non-living Vaccines for Animals

The article provides a list of such “vaccines”, including ones that are endangering other animals such as cats and dogs: “rabies virus in dogs and cats, canine parvovirus...feline immunodeficiency virus [and] feline leukemia virus”.

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"What price would God demand from the churches for having the audacity to lighten the color of his son's skin, and straighten out his nappy hair?"
-Dick Gregory

How To Steal In 9 Easy Ways


Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Keep On Rockin' And Raising Consciousness

Continuing the theme of last week's "Musical Bricks Through The Walls Of Oppression": While Neil Young may have forgotten the good old days when he retorted, “Freedom Of Speech”, to a booing crowd upset about his song, "Let's Impeach The President", that doesn't take away from the fact that he has put out some great music over the years.

If we worship musicians, hanging on their every word, are we any different than those who fawn over celebrities and those anointed by Pedowood?

When someone puts out a great song or movie performance, let us enjoy the moment. That hardly infers, however, that everything they write or act contains great wisdom. Indeed, often they find themselves merely repeating what they are told to say, lest they have a brutal fall from fame.

One of the occasions that Young knocked it out of the park was his "Keep On Rocking In The Free World". Another outstanding song to be played at gatherings. Every person a musician if not a king, uniting young and old. Perhaps in attendance even those struggling to reconcile the "Free World" that Young sings of with the censored one he was told to advocate.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Eat The Bugs-Or Else


Prison Planet To Heaven

"Prison To Heaven" is an interesting offering from Scott and Seth Avett.

One can take it literally, as a traditional religion narrative, nothing wrong with that.

It's intriguing to consider the song also in a broader, spiritual sense. This thing we call life, the prison being built around us so that, should it come fully to fruition, can be used to bring the hammer down.

From the latter perspective, the song reminds us we still have the power to escape. The deal isn't sealed, nor is our fate. As Kris Kristofferson observed, “Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose”.

How have we conducted ourselves while here? Few perfectly. Have we, are we, setting inspiring examples for others? The better we do, the less explaining we'll have to do later. Not so much to a Higher Power, but to future generations whose fate, the world they will live in, may well depend on what we do during our time here.

Prison To Heaven by the Avett Brothers

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Saturday, March 18, 2023

Chronic California

In related news, California has tested positive for Newsomitis, an actual and very deadly disease!

Story From March 9th:

"California Gov. Gavin Newsom has tested positive for COVID-19 following a personal trip to Baja California, a spokesperson for his office said."


"Newsom will work remotely and self-isolate, per California Department of Public Health guidance, Stack said."


"The governor previously tested positive for COVID-19 in May 2022. He was vaccinated at the time and had received two booster shots, according to his press office."

[A few more "boosters", and maybe Newsom will go away forever? Alas, he's not getting injected with any of the actual bioweapon formulations. He may be evil, but he's not toopid].

Gov. Newsom tests positive for COVID-19
State’s top leader will work remotely and self-isolate, per spokesperson

FB Posting Of Story.

[By what stretch is Newsom THE “top leader” of California, let alone the “leader” of anything other than a cabal of very evil forces? The Repugs had to throw the (s)election twice by putting up warmed-over Democrats in 2018 and 2022, taking away even the illusion of a two-party State (with a few Republican exceptions in the Deathislature, zero Democrats being in anything other than complete lockstep with Newsom)].

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Official Narrative Collapse Accelerates

The New York Times (NYT) has taken a new leap into The Theatre Of The Absurd, with tonight's article, “New Data Links Pandemic’s Origins To Raccoon Dogs At Wuhan Market”.

First it was bat dung, then it was an open slaughtering animal market (or maybe it was the other way around, it's like watching the clown car veer chaotically at the circus), then it wasn't China after all because that would be Xenophobic, it's never linked to the biological weapons laboratories in Ukraine because that's waaaaay too much truth, and now it's full circle back to WooHoo, er Wuhan.

“Genetic samples from the market were recently uploaded to an international database and then removed after scientists asked China about them.”

[So around 3 years after Event 201, er after the Scamdemic was announced, out of nowhere, samples that I gather were accumulating dust on a shelf were suddenly uploaded? How does one upload samples, rather than just “test results”?]

"...the worst pandemic in a century could have been ignited by an infected animal that was being dealt through the illegal wildlife trade."

[“could have been”? Well heck, it “could have been” ignited by the aliens that are patiently waiting for their turn in the Fake Alien Invasion spotlight. Is that what “truth” has been reduced to, “could have been”s?]

“The jumbling together of genetic material from the virus and the animal does not prove that a raccoon dog itself was infected. And even if a raccoon dog had been infected, it would not be clear that the animal had spread the virus to people. Another animal could have passed the virus to people, or someone infected with the virus could have spread the virus to a raccoon dog.”

[The whole NYT (s)hitpiece is jumbled together, like a box of 64 crayons melted into one big blob. “does not prove...even would not be clear...another animal could have...”. I gather it's Anything Can Happen Day at the NYT, and the utter lack of coherency is not a problem.]

“But the analysis did establish that raccoon dogs — fluffy animals that are related to foxes and are known to be able to transmit the coronavirus — deposited genetic signatures in the same place where genetic material from the virus was left, three scientists involved in the analysis said. That evidence, they said, was consistent with a scenario in which the virus had spilled into humans from a wild animal.”

[So it's possible to transmit something never proven to exist, then combining DNA from something that exists + DNA from something that doesn't exist = “consistent with a scenario”--or in other words, consistent with a made-up story.]

“At some point, those same researchers, including some affiliated with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, posted the raw data from swabs around the market to GISAID, an international repository of genetic sequences of viruses. (Attempts to reach the Chinese scientists by phone on Thursday were not successful.”

[Nice of the NYT to finally clarify its sub-headline, albeit buried deep in the article, that data and not biological samples, was supposedly uploaded].

Perhaps the NYT will do a rewrite, or several, but the yarn they spin isn't salvageable. So why put the story out? Perhaps to waste people's time arguing over the equivalent of Grimm's Fairy Tales. Except that Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm wrote much more plausible stories.

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Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Headline Of The Day – Another Controlled Demolition

The DC Clothesline headline:

“According to Biden, 'the banking system is safe' – perhaps even as safe as the vaccines”

This interesting and succinct reminder from the DC Clothesline article:

“Recall from the 2008 financial collapse that it took about a month after the government assured Americans that everything was 'just fine' for Lehman Brothers, Washington Mutual, and the others to implode. Do we even have that much time this time around before everything hits the fan in a more noticeable way?”

The DC Clothesline article cites two sources (they did their own research too): An article from Zero Hedge, “Biden Insists 'The Banking System Is Safe'”, and a more interesting one from Mike Adams,

“The Non-Bailout BAILOUT Commences – Total System Collapse Temporarily Averted With Emergency Liquidity Flood”.

From Mike's article:

“The entire US banking system would have collapsed starting today [March 14, 2023] if not for the FDIC jumping in and offering to rescue even non-insured depositors at SVB. Normally the FDIC covers only $250K in deposits per person or institution. To try to avert a total systemic collapse, they announced in an emergency session yesterday that they would cover all deposits for these banks.

The problem is that the FDIC only had slightly over $100 billion in funds to carry this out.

Yet the total bank deposits held across America are approaching $10 trillion. (Nearly 10,000 billion.)

In effect, the FDIC only has enough funds to cover about 1% of bank deposits in America.

Even worse, banks in America have over $300 trillion in derivatives liabilities. That’s thirty times larger than the $10 trillion in deposits. The FDIC has only a tiny fraction of a fraction to even think about covering these losses, should derivatives begin to unwind.” [Emphasis In Original].

This is probably a good time to invest in canned foods that were not grown east of the Mississippi River, along with a portable cooking/heating device utilizing propane (or, better yet, solar). Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

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Demanding Punishment


Monday, March 13, 2023

Musical Bricks Through The Walls Of Oppression

It's touching that the performance, below, took place in Hungary, a country overrun by USSR tanks in 1956. The people of Hungary had a setback, but they didn't sit down and they didn't give up.

In the 1960s in the US, protesters often incorporated music into their gatherings. That worked on several levels, particularly that it kept things interesting, and that it encouraged active audience participation.

Young and old alike can join in. Starting at the government indoctrination camps (“schools”), a clear shot across the bow that the inmates are not just restless, they have had enough.

Not all music at protests and other gatherings should be overtly political. Include songs that, while we may have differences of opinion on comparatively minor matters that we can work out later, music can bring us together now.

May the students lead the way. Have the lyrics printed out and circulated widely so all can join in. Bring empty coffee cans and drum on the plastic lids. Guitars and other musical instruments are welcome. Expand this to other gatherings, such as those where a few “regulars” show up, and “audience participation” has been little more than people driving by and honking their horns.

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Saturday, March 11, 2023

Running RFK Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has a "Poll" on his FB Page asking whether he should run for President as a "Democrat" in 2024. There are certainly still some good people in that “party”, people who share some of the ideals of the best that party had to offer—John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Paul Wellstone, who of course were all eliminated. But much of that is a combination of tradition, some Stockholm Syndrome, and the fact that the "Republican" brand of the two-winged monster has many vile reptilians, eg Romney, Ryan, McConnell, the Bu$hes, the Cheneys, and lots more. In fact, RFK Jr. has very little in common with the Democrat "party" as presently constituted.

A reminder of the modern history of the “Democrat Party”:

"The notion that American democracy was not wounded by the assassination of its President is supported by the fact that virtually every segment of the establishment - right, left, and center - lined up to support the mystery cover-up and participate in the pseudo-debate. Not a single member of the Kennedy Administration resigned in protest over what had been done. Not a single member of Congress resigned in protest. Not a single judge in the entire country, not to mention a single justice of the Supreme Court, resigned in protest over the role of the Chief Justice of the United States in this case. The President's brother did not resign in protest, and the entire Kennedy family publicly accepted the Warren Report, albeit with their behind-the-scenes maneuvering and their delayed and lukewarm endorsements. Not a single editor of a major newspaper resigned over being forced to swallow this obviously phony story."
-E. Martin Schotz, "History Will Not Absolve Us", page 17

In the 1960s, many of the rank-and-file of the “Democratic Party”--but not then or now its hierarchy—were strongly principled. It's easy, perhaps “coincidentally convenient” is the better term, to forget that. Add to your reading list James W. Douglass' “JFK And The Unspeakable: Why He Died And Why It Matters”. Douglass' book is well worth reading for many reasons. One of those is its reminder that President Kennedy had immense support among the public. He was raising consciousness, bringing about change. President Kennedy threatened peace, and much of the public was joining him on that journey. He had to go.

Yes, the hit by the equivalent of La Cosa Nostra masquerading as "government" was a consensus among the elites, but peace was the last straw.

RFK Jr.'s father had similar broad support among the public. You can't CNN the turnout, both when Senator Kennedy was alive, and when he was taken to his final resting place.

Senator Kennedy was executed for the same reasons President Kennedy was overthrown as would be seen in a banana republic. Plus, Bobby was going to expose the truth of his brother's murder. None of that would be allowed.

Paul Wellstone's removal is more nuanced. Was Senator Wellstone assembling a group of Senators that would actually stand up to the Bu$h-Cheney regime? Or would enough of the other Senators have wimped out anyhow, just like they did following Wellstone's death? Was the bigger threat that the general public was coming out in meaningful numbers in opposition to the invasion of, and mass murder in, Iraq? Perhaps the control grid was not endangered at that point, and Wellstone was Terminated With Extreme Prejudice as a message, "Don't get any ideas". Probably a combination of the above.

RFK Jr. is certainly well aware of all this, and much more. So why? One possible scenario is that RFK Jr. has the 2024 Primary stolen, and then becomes Donald Trump's VP in a “Coalition For America Ticket”. Pure but intriguing speculation.

I Posted the following yesterday in response to RFK Jr.'s “Poll”:

Until we have honest elections, I think you can do far more for America from where you are now. 2000, 2004, what happened to Ron Paul in 2008 & 2012, and of course 2020. And numerous House and Senate steals during (and before) that time.

The "Poll.

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Thursday, March 09, 2023

Money Laundering Railroad To Nowhere

A brief background: There has never been any serious public support for the absurd railroad scheme. The legitimate environmentalists have from the outset been horrified by all the destruction that would have to occur—stolen lands through lowball “Eminent Domain”, significant and widespread environmental damage, disrupted and ruined lives, and tremendous financial costs, with the official numbers never adding up.

Smells straight out of Money Laundering 101.

The latest Official Story is that the overall project is $100 billion short. No doubt that number will continue to escalate.

I Commented on the FB Post as follows:

California might well get that $100 billion. After all, Newsom is cut from the same cloth as Ukraine's puppet president.

"When Gov. Gavin Newsom unveiled his scaled down blueprint for the California bullet train four years ago, he proposed building a 171-mile starter segment in the Central Valley that would begin operating in 2030 and cost $22.8 billion.

Today, the blueprint is fraying, as costs now exceed future funding, an official estimate of future ridership has dropped by 25% and the schedule to start to carry people is slipping. It is raising fresh concerns about the future of the nation’s largest infrastructure project."


"What’s worse, that full system cost is set at up to $128 billion in the update, leaving a total funding gap of more than $100 billion for politicians to ponder."

New Cost Estimate for High-Speed Rail Puts California Bullet Train $100 Billion in the Red

FB Posting Of The Story.

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Flushable Empty Suit Theater

Fox had an uninspired article about the savaging of Ohio, which was cited by a couple of online news gatherers that one might think would have a more intelligent take on the situation than that of a flatlined M$NBC-er. Wrong!

My Comment responding to the FB Posting:

Amazing, and sad, how many still think Ohio was an accident caused by incompetence and corner-cutting, rather than the premeditated attack and mass murder it is. Another convenient sock puppet to blame, deflecting attention from the actual perpetrators.

"'Pete Buttigieg has shown that he is unfit to lead the Department of Transportation and must resign immediately,' said Rep. Mike Collins, R-Ga., on the House floor.

'From his first day in office, he has been more focused on diversity training and identity politics than on building and maintaining America’s transportation system,' Collins said.”

Pete Buttigieg's Resignation Demanded On House Floor: 'Unfit To Lead'
(Article from Fox News)


McCoy: What if you decide he is Kodos? What then? Do you play God, carry his head through the corridors in triumph? That won't bring back the dead, Jim.

Kirk: No. But they may rest easier.

-Star Trek Original Series,
Episode, "The Conscience Of The King"

Hunter And Hunted

As one travels through life, it helps to find, early, some of the really smart people, and keep up with them. Even though they don't have all of the answers, they can save you years of wandering in the desert.

Case in point: Hunter S. Thompson, who wrote the brilliant “Fear And Loathing On The Campaign Trail '72”. Hunter wondered, and tried to figure out, how in the world America picked Richard Nixon over George McGovern. Interestingly, Hunter didn't explore, at least not publicly, the possibility that maybe they didn't. That for another day.

“Fear And Loathing” ripped away the fake high school democracy textbook painting, and got down to the dark underbelly of American politics. And it was great finding an articulate writer that shared a deep rage over someone that bombed the Hell out of Southeast Asia getting another four years to commit more mass murder.

Hunter saw how things were deteriorating. For example:

"Nixon was a professional politician, and I despised everything he stood for -- but if he were running for president this year against the evil Bush-Cheney gang, I would happily vote for him."
--Hunter S. Thompson (2004)

Often, he revealed truths in subtle and cryptic ways. While he did some drugs, I always thought there was a lot of embellishment, both to keep the story entertaining, and to get the truth out there while creating a cloud of, “the rantings of a drug-filled lunatic”. Early on, Hunter let those of us who were paying attention in on a little secret:

"If I'd written the truth I knew for the past ten years, about 600 people--including me--would be rotting in prison cells from Rio to Seattle today. Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism."
--Hunter S. Thompson
Rolling Stone, February 15, 1973

From the outset, there were holes in the story that Hunter had committed suicide on February 20, 2005. Jeremy Kuzmarov's article, Linked below, provides some details that I haven't seen before, but I've made it a point to monitor The Official Story for any deviations/contradictions from the moment Hunter's death was announced. The article mainly provides (for me, but much of the information will be new to those not following Hunter's untimely demise for the past 18 years) a nice summary of the mysteries, and focuses on the likely reason for an assassination: Investigating—and Hunter was a genuine investigative journalist—9/11.

Did Legendary "Gonzo" Journalist Hunter Thompson Frighten Those in the Deep State So Much, He Had to Be Taken Out?

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Monday, March 06, 2023

Illusory Political Theater

7:38 of excellent political theater.

But does it count for anything? Will there be any meaningful Legislation clarifying that those who seek to become “public officials” or “public servants” can't play games with their social media Posts? That legitimate Congressional Subpoenas can't be cavalierly ignored? Or will this be just another nothingburger?

It's certainly entertaining, but then so is professional wrestling.

“Feb 28, 2023
At today's Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) clashed with Colleen Shogan, nominee to be Archivist of the United States, and National Archives and Records Administration.”

'This Is The Most Extraordinary Thing I Have Ever Seen': Hawley, Biden Nom Have Unbelievable Clash

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Less “Insurance”, More Lives Saved

“Insurance”? What does Medi-Cal (California's version of Medicaid) “insure”, other than a constant supply of toxic drugs that shorten both the quantity and quality of life?

Perhaps some of those that will no longer be slow-killed through Medi-Cal will research ways to have a better and longer life, and stop committing ritual self-mutilation with pharmaceuticals.

"California will soon restart its annual eligibility review for people enrolled in Medi-Cal, a process that has been suspended since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic."


"People who no longer qualify or who fail to fill out the paperwork will lose their free or low-cost coverage.

State officials estimate that between 2 million and 3 million people could lose their Medi-Cal coverage...[H]ealth advocates worry that many people could fall through the cracks or get caught in administrative hurdles and become uninsured, leaving them more likely to delay or forgo care altogether."

["care"??? The heavy-duty drugging pushed by the vast majority of facilities that take Medi-Death would far more accurately be termed, "don't care". And what are most of the facilities that take Medi-Death? HELLspitals that by law have to, and government clinics. From your paycheck to governmental entities that want you weak or dead. How's that workin' out? About as well as “Indian Health Services” did for Native Americans.]

"Currently, 15.4 million people--more than a third of the state’s population--are enrolled in Medi-Cal, the most ever, according to the California Department of Health Care Services."

[Which is a crushing indictment on how California's economy has been systematically decimated. Carried out by the DemocRATS, Enabled by the (with an occasional rare exception) do-nothing Repug-lickins].

After a Pandemic Pause, the State Will Restart Checking Medi-Cal Eligibility

FB Posting Of The Article.

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How To Sabotage An Organization


They Were Told


Saturday, March 04, 2023

Keeping Inmates From Escaping


Short-Circuiting Narrative

While it has certainly taken longer than five seconds, at least as we perceive time, The Official Narrative is imploding. Clandestine has an interesting article on how this is distressing, and in some cases triggering, those who bought into it.

"There is a seismic shift happening amongst the normies. There is a growing resistance to MSM narratives in mainstream and Left-wing circles, particularly on Twitter, which has huge influence that bleeds into all the other platforms as well.

The accumulation of irregularities in the MSM narratives, are taking their toll on the sheep. The current combination of the Biden Docs scandal, the jabs not being 'safe and effective' as promised, and the growing body of evidence that C19 was human engineered; has caused an identity crisis amongst the Left.

Their entire personas revolved around masks, covid vaccines, and Trump being a criminal. Now they are being forced to rationalize that the 'anti-vaxxers' and 'conspiracy theorists' were right, and turns out Biden and the DNC are criminals. The pillars of their identity are slowly being proven to be a farce, and it’s breaking the cohesion of the Left and their followers."

The Left-Wing Identity Crisis

Preventing, And Recovering From, Harm Due To The Attack On Ohio—Part 4

A Post by Things Hidden In Complexity, Link below, on getting the toxic cloud from Ohio out of your system.

I am making no attempt to harmonize or reconcile the recommendations from the various authors. I do read the proposals, to make sure that they make sense to me, and whether any caveats are needed. For example, in the article Linked below, I would throw in a caveat about olive oil. People who are sensitive to oils, especially people who have undergone gallbladder removal, will likely want to spread the amount out so that they don't take too much at once.

For most, prevention and recovery come down to doing the best you can with the financial resources available. I take quite a few supplements, and if I could I would add to what I consume. It's important to determine “the best bang for the buck”--study the research, set priorities. If one has preexisting health challenges, be sure to address those simultaneously. Otherwise, you're sending the “troops” into battle with at least one arm tied behind their back.

We are all exposed to the CV1984 bioweapon, even if we haven't been jabbed. This can occur through “Shedding” or what Dr. Tenpenny calls “Transferring”. It may also take place through water consumption (the jabbed urinate into what becomes our drinking water, and good luck finding an affordable means of filtering that stuff out. No need to get graphic, but one can also imbibe spike proteins and graphene oxide through the “exchange of bodily fluids” and, of course, blood transfusions. This serves as a timely reminder, that our bodies, especially if given solid support, intuitively do an excellent job of filtering and expelling. Thus, some basic affordable-for-most suggestions:

Serrapeptase, 120K SPU twice a day (Spike Protein) (Sorry, but the best price I've found is at Amazon)

Non-GMO Nattokinase, 100 mg twice a day (Spike Protein). Works as a blood thinner, so if you're already taking a blood thinner, or thinning the blood might cause problems, consider your options carefully.

NAC, two-600 mg capsules (Graphene Oxide). Helps the Kidneys as well, and has a multitude of other health benefits. If you're taking Tylenol or something with Tylenol in it, consider taking an extra NAC with each Tylenol. Bestvite or Vitacost usually has the best price—be sure to meet the minimum order requirements to get free shipping).

Milk Thistle, 600 mg twice a day. The Liver has to deal with all the crap going into it for filtration. Help your Liver move that stuff on its way. Bestvite, Vitacost, or Amazon—be sure to read the label, as sometimes the amount per capsule is dropped, especially at Amazon, to give the illusion of the “best price”.

Ways To Mitigate Dioxin Damage

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Friday, March 03, 2023

What Comes After

Thanks to Celia Farber for finding this interview with David Suich, author of “God Took My Clothes”, who has talked with over 1,000 people that have had Near Death Experiences.

A 1 hour and 8-minute interview, but well worth watching. They cover a wide variety of subjects. A couple takeaways--there are many more in the discussion:

--Our pets who Passed first are there waiting for us;

--What is going on now in this world is the exposing of the forces of darkness, and the dawning of a new era. It will work out, tho it's unclear how much of that will be during our lifetimes, and how much we will bequeath, through our efforts now, to those who follow.

What To Expect When We "Die:" An Interview With A Man Who Has Interviewed Over 1000 People Who Have Been "Dead" For Way More Than A Few Minutes

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Asphyxiating Facebook

Another irritating FB advertisement, another response. While FB says there are 60 comments, only mine and two others showed up. I suspect the three of us will have our Comments removed when the manufacturer of death gets caught up.

If enough people protest the Death Cult advertisements, it just might send a message. “Mad as Hell and not gonna take this anymore!”. It's a start.

My Posted Comment:

“Doesn't promoting suicide--which is what Self-Asphyxiation is--violate Facebook Community Standards?”

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2 1/2 Minutes With Roseanne Barr

Reminds me of why I'm still proud of voting for Roseanne in 2012 over the killer clowns, Obummer and Mittens!

Roseanne Unleashes - Pathogen Vaccine Truth

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Thursday, March 02, 2023

Eradicating The Inconvenient Amish

While I think the primary purpose of the attack on Ohio was Depopulation, perhaps in conjunction with other carnage to reduce the United States to around 100 million by 2025, there are always additional agendas at play when a large operation is carried out. Robyn Openshaw's article, Linked below, makes the case for one of the reasons that particular location was chosen.

"They don't spray their fields with glyphosate (Roundup)--so their food they eat is clean, and ours isn't.

They don't vaccinate their livestock--whereas all the livestock YOU eat is vaccinated. (And I do mean all--your grass fed, free range, and organic livestock, vaccinated by law. This taints the secretions [dairy] and ovulatory products [eggs] of that livestock as well.)

Soon to be vaccinated with mRNA. It's been announced in Australia and other places.

Since the Amish don't vax their kids, people have demanded for decades that the CDC do studies on Amish kids' rate of autism, compared to the general population.

(They really don't have autistic kids and adults, nor do they have 52% of their kids with chronic illnesses, like America at large does.)"

The Amish Were The “Control” Group
Until A Tanker of Mustard Gas Exploded

Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Silent Revolution