I Posted the following on March 18, 2020, five days after Generalissimo Newsom and other tyrants announced their first overt attacks on America.
Nearly a year and a half later, have you heard a single conventional MD, or any government "Health Official", call for a review of all medications a person is taking to assess their affect upon the immune system?
Has the Center for Disease Causation taken any measures to require drug advertisements explicitly state that their toxic garbage puts people at higher risk for "CV1984"? Oh Hell No!
Have any of the flatbacker media outlets require full, clear, and unequivocal, revelations from the drug pushers? Again, Oh Hell No! The corporate media cheers on martial law, while actively suppressing truth and opposing disclosure.
On to the trip down memory lane:
Health Care To Die ForTLC
Senior Deaths And The Current Flu Season
At a young age, I grew irritated with television ads. Most bored me, most were pushing products that did not interest me, and of the rest that were for things I might like, times were lean (but comfortable), so I didn't need to be irritated about stuff I couldn't have. Thus, I trained myself to tune them out unless they were especially entertaining.
In recent years, I have made an exception for pharmaceutical ads. While they play relaxing or upbeat music, the drug companies are still obligated to warn of "side effects". Some of this is required by the FDA, and even if it weren't, it would be motivated by self-interest since a warned victim, er, "patient", is less inclined to sue. Even if they do sue, they are less likely to win significant damages (juries listened to those same ads, and wonder, "why weren't you paying attention to the warnings, we remember hearing them").
One particular warning of interest, which seems to be in a significant majority of the advertisements today, is about how harm to the immune system can result by taking the advertised drug. Harm even to the point of death. But isn't that background music pretty?
Which leads into, why are seniors at greater risk from the current flu season? Sure, there are the usual culprits, sugar, "vaccines", GMOs, 5G, and others, that weaken the immune system. But young people are subjected to those as well.
The corporate press usually skirts the question by saying that many of the deceased seniors had "preexisting health issues". But what did those seniors have with their "issues"? Usually lots of drugs. One report, and I've seen higher numbers, say the average number of prescriptions taken by people aged 65 - 69 is 15, while that number rises to an average of 18 for those ages 80 - 84.
And seniors in Euthanasia Chambers, er "Nursing Homes", are often given far more. A well-medicated patient is less labor-intensive.
All those drugs, directly attacking the immune system.
Remember, the Third Reich started with seniors, or what they frequently called, "Useless Eaters".
If you really want to help the seniors in your life, help them find means of healing without drugs, help them find drugs less dangerous to their immune system, help them do well with fewer drugs. And at the same time, help them find ways to boost their immune systems.
Do you hear anything about the immune system from the "Health Officials", from the government actors asserting near-dictatorial powers, or from the lapdog media? No, on that very important score, all you hear is...crickets.
The Elderly Are Taking Too Many PillsHUFFPOST.COM | BY ANN BRENOFF