Walensky, Kermit, Bert, Ernie, Elmo, Barney...all disposable like the face diapers that go into an everyday garbage can, not into a biohazard container. If one goes, several more appear. The gullible audience thinks rearranging the bullets in the cylinders matters.
"It'll be different this time, Charlie Brown!", calls out Lucy. But it won't be different. It'll be worse. And the viewers, mesmerized by the freak show, having deprived their brains of oxygen for so long, will eat it all up while their souls are devoured. Distracted, as The Agenda rolls on, never missing a beating.
“A Congressional hearing sent Twitter into a tailspin after Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky admitted that the public health agency's mask guidance for children 'doesn't really change with time.'
[And Center for Disease Causation (CDC) dick-tates don't change in the face of facts, either]. Sitting before the House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing, Walensky told lawmakers on Feb. 8 that the CDC will continue to recommend masks in schools in communities where COVID-19 levels are high.”
“A newly released review published by the Cochrane Library researched 78 controlled trials to determine whether various mitigation strategies, such as masking or handwashing, curbed the spread of COVID-19. The review found that mask-wearing in the community probably makes 'little or no difference.'
Walensky said the study only includes randomized clinical trials that researched other respiratory viruses in addition to COVID-19. She noted that since COVID-19 can spread before symptoms occur, it is difficult to determine the accuracy of some of the study's conclusions.”
[a/k/a It's inconvenient to address the accuracy of the study on the merits, so Walensky just lamely avoids the question. And Wacky Walensky rolls out the same-old, “A virus so deadly you have to be fake-tested to see if you have it”]. Twitter erupts after CDC Director Walensky tells Congress masking guidance ‘doesn’t really change with time’ Below is a separate article from November 22, 2022, which Fox kindly Linked in the article above that was published February 15, 2023. Repetition is one of the keys to an effective propaganda operation. Connecting the dots, seeing the patterns, helping others to see the sorcery even when you're not there to point it out for them, are some of the keys to disrupting that operation.
“Masking and social distancing should be encouraged or even mandated once more in public in order to protect people from COVID-19 and from the possibility of suffering from 'Long COVID,' according to a new report from the Department of Health and Human Services.
The report, commissioned by HHS and produced by research agency Coforma, calls for a broad range of government policies to help people who continue to deal with the lingering effects of COVID. Those policies include an awareness campaign, funding for long COVID support groups, financial support for students and workers, and new health benefits for COVID victims.”
[I won't waste a lot of time on Coforma, whose name would be more accurate if it were “Chloroforma”. Even a quick look at Corforma's website makes clear they are an advocacy outfit, not a legitimate research operation looking for truth wherever it may take them.
As for "Long Covid", one doesn't have to study the homicidal "Treatment Protocols” to realize that much of "Long Covid" is really people struggling to live after being given Remdesivir, Paxlovid, Morphine, and other tools of death. The "study" is the same old, "Wear a diaper or you'll kill granny" garbage]. [Snip]
"'The lifting of mask mandates and indifferent attitude toward masking and social distancing typical in many public and private places further isolates people with Long COVID,' the report said. As a result, policymakers should 'encourage or mandate policies and protocols regarding masking and social distancing in public spaces,' it said.”
“Outside new mask requirements, the report outlined several new ideas that have the potential to become new funding priorities for the Biden administration.
It calls for expanded mental and behavioral health care for people with long COVID, their caregivers and support groups. It pushes for revised federal and state policies to make sure companies and schools provide needed support for those with long COVID, including guidelines on how to accommodate them.
It also calls for 'vaccine promotion as a preventative measure for Long COVID.'"
[Further tightening the control grid, eliminating more Useless Eaters with an array of pharmaceuticals, rotting the minds of survivors with drugs and manipulation. Always been part of the plan]. Mask mandate return? HHS report wants to ‘encourage or mandate’ masking to stop long COVID Substack Permalink: