Saturday, September 30, 2023

FREE Video Series - COVID Unmasked: 2020 And Beyond

RFK Jr.'s Children's Health Defense (CHD) has a new four-part series out, “Covid Unmasked”. Since CHD doesn't pull their videos after a limited viewing window, I waited on Posting this until all four parts became available.

The Trailer alone provides a timely if painful reminder of the past three years, and of the screws they plan to tighten during the next seven.


Part 1: The Problem

Part 2: COVID, Inc.

Part 3: The Big Picture

Part 4: The Solution

All four parts can be accessed HERE.

From the CHD website:

In early 2020, life as we knew it changed forever. What was sold to us as a fight against “a new and deadly virus“ soon revealed itself as merely the opening act of a Great Reset, in which we will “own nothing and be happy”. This film documents exactly who is behind it all, how long it’s been in the works, and how to stop it… before we lose our country, our liberty, and our humanity.

CONfidence Games, Traditional And Current Variants

CV1984 has been a giant PsyOp, or Confidence Game. It has myriad parts, such as “Mass Formation Psychosis” which was utter bunk from the outset. But like other cons, people keep falling for them.

Trying to break someone of the spell of a good con artist isn't always an easy task. Like other forms of brainwashing, one may get to the point of asking, does the end justify the means? Do the measures that might have to be utilized justify the result of, hopefully, breaking the spell? Or is it better to let the fraud proceed and hope that the victim will learn the lesson the old-fashioned way, through experience.

Alas, as Churchill observed, they may not learn no matter how brutal the consequences: "Occasionally he stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened."

I came upon an excellent 21:46 interview with Maria Konnikova, author of "The Confidence Game: Why We Fall for It . . . Every Time". While it doesn't have all the answers, it's useful to better understand the question, whether victim or spectator.

Be it the CV1984 Plandemic, or the old-fashioned “gold in Africa” and “inheritance” scams, we all need to better understand how cons work, because while the ravaged may not fully take us with 'em, we can still suffer great harm from the swindles.

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Humboldt County Math: Having A Soul That Hasn't Been Sold = “Hate Speech”

Some of us know that the Humboldt County BOS (“Board Of Supervisors, or “Bag Of S---”) frequently passes Ordinances/laws that constitute, "threats of violence towards individuals or groups", especially when it comes to "health measures". Who needs proper amounts of oxygen, right? Or a functioning immune system? Or to live?

Some days, you don't have to travel at all to watch the circus.

Yeah, standing up against child mutilation is "hate speech". Those of us who still have a soul do indeed hate occult mutilations. Others apparently celebrate it. Like, say, the Lost Coast Outhouse that proclaims in its headline that opposition to ritual abuse of children constitutes “Bigoted Statements”.

Fifth District Supervisor and Board Chair Steve Madrone began today’s Humboldt County Board of Supervisors meeting by reading a brief statement into the record.

“The Board of Supervisors values the Constitution and a person’s First Amendment right to free speech,” Madrone stated. “In order to facilitate an orderly meeting, the board chair will ensure that the citizen’s right to speak does not infringe on the rights and the protections of others. Any person who addresses this board shall refrain from threats of violence or statements that elicit a violent response.”


Although he did not explicitly state the reason behind the declaration, the statement was in reference to comments made during the board’s last meeting on Aug. 22.

During that meeting, frequent public commenter Charles Wilson alleged that by flying the Pride flag outside the courthouse in June, the county was expressing support for “child mutilation and elimination of women’s right to privacy and security.” At the tail end of his rambling comments, Wilson pivoted and said, “When I volunteered for the Army, I was told by the government that I had to shoot people that the government didn’t like.”

Madrone immediately cut Wilson off, noting that his commenters were “crossing over into hate speech.”

TODAY in SUPES: Board Chair Steve Madrone Apologizes for Cutting Off Public Commenter for Making Bigoted Statements During Last Month’s Meeting, and More!

FB Post of above article.

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"The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it's conformity."
-Rollo May

Searching II

"The juvenile sea squirt wanders through the sea searching for a suitable rock or hunk of coral to cling to and make its home for life. For this task, it has a rudimentary nervous system. When it finds its spot and takes root, it doesn't need its brain anymore, so it eats it! (It's rather like getting tenure.)*"

* The analogy between the sea squirt and the associate professor was first pointed out, I think, by the neuroscientist Rodolfo Llinas.

-Daniel Dennett,
Consciousness Explained (1991)

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Weather Will Be Gooder


Inventions III

"Human subtlety...will never devise an invention more beautiful, more simple or more direct than does nature, because in her inventions nothing is lacking, and nothing is superfluous."
-Leonardo da Vinci,
The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci (1883)


"I remember a witty Spaniard saying when, two hundred and fifty years ago, the French built their first madhouses: 'They have shut up all their fools in a house apart, to make sure that they are wise men themselves.' Just so: you don't show your own wisdom by shutting some one else in a madhouse. 'K. has gone out of his mind, means that we are sane now.' No, it doesn't mean that yet."
-Fyodor Dostoevsky,
"Bobok : From Somebody's Diary" as translated by Constance Garnett in Short Stories (1900)

Monday, September 25, 2023

Crime Scene


Saluting Together


Different III

"At the first meeting of the newly constituted Warren Commission, [former CIA Director] Allen Dulles handed out copies of a book to help define the ideological parameters he proposed for the Commission's forthcoming work. American assassinations were different from European ones, he told the Commission. European assassinations were the work of conspiracies, whereas American assassins acted alone."
-Peter Dale Scott

Capacity II

"I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency [the National Security Agency] and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return."
-Senator Frank Church (1975)

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Lifting Stars


Let's Just Not


Means III

"It is true that two wrongs don't make a right, as we love to point out to the people we have wronged. But one wrong doesn't make a right, either. People who have been wronged will attempt to right the wrong; they would not be people if they didn't. They can rarely afford to be scrupulous about the means they will use. They will use such means as come to hand. Neither, in the main, will they distinguish one oppressor from another, nor see through to the root principle of their oppression."
-James Baldwin


"The race is not over yet. Your last sprint awaits."
-Samira Vivette

Monday, September 11, 2023

A Glimpse Behind The Magpie Media Facade

An insightful interview with Jan Halper-Hayes (begins 47 seconds into the video) about the long game behind the J6 charade and the President Trump show trials. The entire segment is only 10:07, well worth your time.

I wonder if Joseph Stalin or Chairman Mao would be embarrassed that the Democrat head of the hydra is giving Show Trials a bad name in being so over-the-top, or if one or both would look on with admiration. Kafka is probably shouting from beyond, “I tried to warn you”.

Part of the show trial motivation may be to intimidate the average citizen into silence, sending the message that, “If they can get Trump, what chance do I have?”. Fortunately, Washington, Jefferson, Betsy Ross, and the rest of the gang, didn't curl up into a fetal position and wet themselves.

For an even deeper dive, check out the analysis by Tierney's Real News that uses the Halper-Hayes interview as a starting point, and takes the reader further.

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A Piece Of The Opium Action

If you're a recovering opioid addict who needs a new liver, kidney, heart, what do you get? More drugs!—If even that. What a racket. Bad things happen when the cops are so eager to be paid off.

Lady Justice continues to get stabbed in the heart. She died some time ago, but they keep on slashing her to give the appearance that there's some life left in the old gal.

And who knows, maybe she—WE--will rise from the dead.

“Couldn’t help but make me feel ashamed
To live in a land
Where justice is a game

Now all the criminals in their coats and their ties
Are free to drink Martinis
And watch the sun rise.”

-Bob Dylan ,

In a deal announced Friday, the Kroger Co. — the parent company of King Soopers and City Market — would pay up to $1.4 billion over 11 years. The amount includes up to $1.2 billion for state and local governments where it operates, $36 million to Native American tribes and about $177 million to cover lawyers’ fees and costs.


“The number of overdose deaths from opioids is a clarion call for action. By holding accountable those who contributed to this crisis, we are continuing to take action and we are bringing back funds to Colorado to support much-needed prevention, treatment and recovery services,” Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser said in a statement. “These funds are now being invested and we will continue to do all we can to address this crisis and save lives.”

[What a load of complete horsehockey. “Accountable” would include many Sentences of Life Without Possibility Of Parole. Corporate executives, Doctors, Pharmacists, and others at the pig trough. Maim and kill hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, and others pay for your crime. If you're a young black kid who blows away one liquor store clerk, you don't have the option of buying your way out with other people's money.]


While most of the biggest players have settled, the opioid litigation is continuing. Cases are being prepared for trial involving the supermarket chains Publix and Albertsons, the latter of which is attempting to merge with Kroger. Pharmacy benefit managers such as Express Scripts and OptumRx also face opioid claims from governments.

Colorado to receive $70 million from Kroger’s $1.4 billion opioid settlement

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Eat Your Veggies


I Can't Wait



"We've looked and looked, but after all where are we?
Do we know any better where we are,
And how it stands between the night tonight
And a man with a smoky lantern chimney?
How different from the way it ever stood?"

-Robert Frost,
"The Star-Splitter" (1923)

Constant III

"The achievement of this goal will require a major war, a world war, starting most likely from the impending US-Israel attack on Iran. But to wage this war the US must be transformed into a genuine dictatorship. Legislation carried out in the wake of [the] Oklahoma bombing and 9/11 has ensured that the US public lives in constant fear of being arrested."
-Jim Marrs,
"Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens?"

Saturday, September 09, 2023

What's In A Name

Is the name of the accused "Pfizer" or "Moderna"? Bill, Anthony, Klaus, Deborah? Gavin, Andrew, Gretchen?

Turns out her name is Katelin.

If Katelin had the abbreviation "Dr." before her name, or the initials "R.N." after her name, that would be another “reason” for getting a free pass. Some that possess instrumentalities of, and perpetuate, mass murder, don't have to worry about a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card, because they are not at risk of going to jail, or facing any meaningful consequences.

Until the pee-ons decide that, "Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose".

Then it's Game On, Game Over.

Police: South Carolina Woman Caught Trafficking Enough Fentanyl to Kill 500K People

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"I soon felt that strange and mysterious sensation which is awakened in the mind when looking down from lofty hilltops, and now I was able to do so without any feeling of nervousness, having fortunately hardened myself to that kind of sublime contemplation. I wholly forgot who I was, and where I was. I became intoxicated with a sense of lofty sublimity, without thought of the abysses into which my daring was soon about to plunge me."
-Jules Verne,
"Journey To The Center Of The Earth"


"So many out-of-the-way things had happened lately, that Alice had begun to think that very few things indeed were really impossible."
-Lewis Carroll,
"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland",
Chapter 1, "Down The Rabbit-Hole"

There's That


Ultimate Fantasy


Friday, September 08, 2023

Sidelines II

"To stand on the sidelines and say 'I am innocent' is to bear the mark of Cain; it is to do nothing to reach out and help the weak, the oppressed and the suffering, to save the planet. To be innocent in times like these is to be a criminal."
-Chris Hedges


"They want us to give up another chunk of our tribal land. This is not the first time or the last time."
-Sitting Bull

Who Woulda Guessed


God's Work


Light Work


Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Disintegrating Humanity

Naomi Wolf has a very thoughtful and insightful essay on one of the more subtle effects of the CV1984 bioweapon. A short excerpt:

"I raise this issue of how we bond, because what I am seeing in many the human beings around me is: a failure, dissolution or diminution of physical and psychological bonding. Parents are losing the bonds with children and lovers and spouses seem to have lost bonding with one another as well."

I have noticed this for many years. Sometimes the finger is pointed at mass media, especially television.

At other times, painkillers are cited as a leading cause of the diminution of empathy--that if we cannot feel pain ourselves, how can we feel it, and identify with it, in others? But that conveniently ignores the fact that the pharmaceutical era has brought about a serious deterioration in health, where pain is more common. Those who cause the problem offer the "cure" once again.

Perhaps earlier "vaccines" were used to likewise disintegrate society. They certainly worked synergistically with other modalities, such as GMOs, fluoride, pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors, artificial sweeteners, etc.. Whatever the cause(s), that trend has dramatically accelerated with CV1984.

Three standouts from the “Comments” section of Naomi's essay:

Covid Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective: Consequences for the Soul and Spirit and for Life after Death by Thomas Mayer

Unveiling the Legend of the Night Marchers: Why Lahaina Will Be Haunted (3:09)

The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea: Charles, Prince of Wales, Foretold (SECOND EDITION) by Tim Cohen


Naomi's essay is well worth your time reading, along with the Comments section.

Expressionless Babies, Bored Lovers

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Monument V

"There is an answer to the doctor's question. All the Dachaus must remain standing. The Dachaus, the Belsens, the Buchenwald, the Auschwitzes – all of them. They must remain standing because they are a monument to a moment in time when some men decided to turn the Earth into a graveyard. Into it they shoveled all of their reason, their logic, their knowledge, but worst of all, their conscience. And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its remembrance, then we become the gravediggers. Something to dwell on and to remember, not only in the Twilight Zone but wherever men walk God's Earth."
-Rod Sterling
The Twilight Zone,
Death's-Head Revisited" (1961)

Fulfill II

"On the death of a friend, we should consider that the fates through confidence have devolved on us the task of a double living, that we have henceforth to fulfill the promise of our friend's life also, in our own, to the world."
-Henry David Thoreau,
Journals (1838-1859)
February 28, 1840

Call To Duty: Ditch "Call To Duty"

“The video game 'Call of Duty' has begun eavesdropping on in-game voice chat using AI trained by the Anti-Defamation League to help ban gamers for using 'toxic speech,' 'hate speech,' 'discriminatory language, harassment and more.'"

Some speech bad, killing for fun good. Got it!

All speech will be monitored and stored, not just the bad words.

Sometimes, tho, bad words are good words. From Modulate's website (Modulate is the company that officially came up with the censorship, er “moderation”, AI software), section "Does ToxMod define 'harm' differently for people of different ethnicities, gender identities, sexualities, or other demographics?":

“We also recognize that certain behaviors may be fundamentally different depending on the demographics of the participants. While the n-word is typically considered a vile slur, many players who identify as black or brown have reclaimed it and use it positively within their communities. While Modulate does not detect or identify the ethnicity of individual speakers, it will listen to conversational cues to determine how others in the conversation are reacting to the use of such terms. If someone says the n-word and clearly offends others in the chat, that will be rated much more severely than what appears to be reclaimed usage that is incorporated naturally into a conversation.”

How exactly is the speaker's intent, or whether the same sentence spoken by different people is “negative” or “positive”, to be determined? Will a skin pigmentation test be conducted? Perhaps a genealogy examination? History does not look kindly on those inquiries, although they work great for Divide And Conquer.

There was a once-popular saying, author unknown, that “War is the ultimate obscenity”. While I wouldn't have banned “Call To Action”, I've always found it distasteful, and a great tool for military recruiters. As war becomes more technologically advanced, it's great to have generations who think war is neat and clean, like in a videogame or as portrayed by Corporate News Network's (CNN) infamous display of Bu$h $enior's invasion of Iraq in 1991. It was like watching a laser light show. No shredded eyeballs hanging out of their socket, no missing limbs, no children taking their last breath while held in a parent's arms. Sanitized, your brain washed, for your conditioning. With its expansion into the internet years ago, Call To Duty helps pinpoint those whose mentality may be perfect for the military killing machine.

More from PC Gamer:

“So while voice chat complaints against you will, in theory, be judged by a human before any action is taken, ToxMod looks at more than just keywords when flagging potential offenses. Modulate says its tool is unique for its ability to analyze tone and intent in speech to determine what is and isn't toxic. If you're naturally curious how that's achieved, you won't find a crystal-clear answer but you will find a lot of impressive-sounding claims (as we're used to from AI companies).”


In recent months, ToxMod's flagging categories have gotten even more granular. In June, Modulate introduced a "violent radicalization" category to its voice chat moderation that can flag "terms and phrases relating to white supremacist groups, radicalization, and extremism—in real-time."

The list of what ToxMod claims to be detecting here includes:
Promotion or sharing ideology
Recruitment or convincing others to join a group or movement
Targeted grooming or convincing vulnerable individuals (ie, children and teens) to join a group or movement
Planning violent actions or actively planning to commit physical violence'

What's missing? ADL, Activision, and Modulate express ZERO interest in going after pedophiles, especially pedophile groomers. People who support the rule of law, and restoration of a Constitutional Republic in the US, on the other hand, are smeared with the label “grooming” and are Enemies Of The State to be dealt with.

Related, note the complete silence from ADL when it comes to the mass murder being carried out in Israel by the Israeli government in partnership with the pharmaceutical drug cartel. Changing the old children's rhyme to:

“Nasty words might make you cry,
But “vaccines” are what make you die”.

Call of Duty Eavesdrops on In-Game Voice Chat With ADL-Trained AI to Help Ban Players for 'Toxic Speech'

FB Posting Of Above Article

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Monday, September 04, 2023

Value V

"Thirty thousand a year was all right, but dyspepsia and inability to be humanly happy robbed such princely income of all its value."
-Jack London


"So your desire is to do nothing? Well, you shall not have a week, a day, an hour, free from oppression. You shall not be able to lift anything without agony. Every passing minute will make your muscles crack. What is feather to others will be a rock to you. The simplest things will become difficult. Life will become monstrous about you. To come, to go, to breathe, will be so many terrible tasks for you. Your lungs will feel like a hundred-pound weight."
-Victor Hugo,
"Les Misérables"

Masking Deaths And People

Gyrations and manipulation of language have escalated dramatically since CV1984 was rolled out in all its gory glory in March, 2020.

While obituaries shouldn't become grisly crime scene displays, the wordings of post-CV1984 ones often jump out at me. For example:

“___________ died... of ___________ after a short illness.”

That person had a long-term pre-existing condition which is mentioned in their obituary. But the reader is left wondering if it had anything to do with the cause of death. Did it weaken the person to such an extent that they scummed to a malady otherwise easily beatable? Or, on the other hand, did the person Pass from vaccine-induced Myocarditis, or systemic organ failure from Remdesivir, and/or Liver damage from Paxlovid?

Here's another example:

"___________ passed away peacefully from natural causes...".

Sometimes we are given an indication of the actual cause of death in the part where people are encouraged to give donations to a non-profit that ostensibly works to "find a cure" for some condition. Not in this one, and everything in the obituary suggests the person was vibrant and exuberant until they Died Suddenly. Of "natural causes". Well, people in their 40's don't just drop dead due to "natural causes".

George Orwell observed in his essay, Politics and the English Language, 1946:

In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible. Things like the continuance of British rule in India, the Russian purges and deportations, the dropping of the atom bombs on Japan, can indeed be defended, but only by arguments which are too brutal for most people to face, and which do not square with the professed aims of the political parties. Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness. Defenseless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification. Millions of peasants are robbed of their farms and sent trudging along the roads with no more than they can carry: this is called transfer of population or rectification of frontiers. People are imprisoned for years without trial, or shot in the back of the neck or sent to die of scurvy in Arctic lumber camps: this is called elimination of unreliable elements. Such phraseology is needed if one wants to name things without calling up mental pictures of them. Consider for instance some comfortable English professor defending Russian totalitarianism. He cannot say outright, "I believe in killing off your opponents when you can get good results by doing so." Probably, therefore, he will say something like this:

"While freely conceding that the Soviet regime exhibits certain features which the humanitarian may be inclined to deplore, we must, I think, agree that a certain curtailment of the right to political opposition is an unavoidable concomitant of transitional periods, and that the rigors which the Russian people have been called upon to undergo have been amply justified in the sphere of concrete achievement."

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Sunday, September 03, 2023


"If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed."
-Benjamin Franklin


"I've been called over the top. How silly. If you don't go over the top, you can't see what's on the other side."
-Jim Steinman

Death Of A Courageous Citizen

Mohamed Al-Fayed, whose son Dodi was murdered with Princess Diana, has Passed.

Al-Fayed would have been an interesting person to meet. Most people at that level of wealth keep quiet no matter what is inflicted upon them. Not Al-Fayed. He never backed down.

Rest In Peace, Sir.

His considerable business successes included owning fabled UK department store Harrods, the Ritz Hotel in Paris, and the Fulham Football Club in the UK.

But those accomplishments are almost overshadowed by his relationship with Princess Diana, who died in a car crash Aug. 31, 1997, with Al-Fayed’s son, Dodi, with whom she was in a relationship.


In the years following the crash, Al-Fayed weathered criticism in the UK for claiming that the accident was a murder ordered by the Royal Family and British Intelligence, who acted because the couple was to be married.

[“weathered criticism” is an interesting choice of phrase. The British People darn well know that Lady Di was murdered. The “criticism” came from the monarchy and those under its control, as illustrated by the next sentence in the article:]

The crash, allegedly caused by a high-speed attempt to avoid paparazzi, was extensively investigated without any evidence of Al-Fayed’s allegations.

[As usual, the perpetrators investigate themselves, and declare they are innocent. The subservient media pretends the rabid snake is benevolent, just as they pretend they are].

[Not to get off-track, but slop irritates me:]

Mohamed Al-Fayed, whose world-spanning business career touched lives in Hollywood, Paris, London and his native Egypt, died Thursday, Aug. 30, at 94.


[Genuine factchecking is important. So is basic math. For the record, Al-Fayed was born in 1929, not 1922.]

One of the problems with online publications is that they can fix their mistakes, and alter their made-up stories to better fit The Official Narrative, and few will notice the slight-of-hand. In this case, Deadline fixed their faux pas the day after the original “publication”, with no mention of the correction/alteration. It illustrates my preference for newsprint, where a commitment is made to the publication's output. When mistakes are made a printed correction sometimes follows. Online outlets are more akin to publishing with an Etch-A-Sketch.

The updated version:]

Mohamed Al-Fayed Dies: ‘Chariots Of Fire’ Backer, Princess Diana Confidant, Harrod’s And Ritz Owner Was 94

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Doing It Again


Saturday, September 02, 2023

Sold Souls For Biden

It's nice to know the identities of some who have sold their soul for a few pieces of silver and manufactured “popularity”. When they die, they won't be taking the trinkets with them, and behind they will leave vile memories, especially for those—most notably the children—who have suffered at the hands of those controlling the Biden Puppet, CONgress, the Mockingbird Media, PedoWood, industrial music, and the rest.

A Broadway fundraising concert next month for President [sic] Joe Biden will feature some of theater’s biggest stars, including Josh Groban, Ben Platt, Sara Bareilles, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Cynthia Erivo, Leslie Odom Jr. and Laura Benanti, among others, with the president himself in attendance.


Other stars to be featured at the concert are Annaleigh Ashford, Josh Gad, Alex Edelman, Christopher Jackson, LaChanze, Ruthie Ann Miles, Andrew Rannells and Aaron Tveit.

The one-night-only concert fundraiser is being hosted by Broadway producers and supporters Jeffrey Seller, Thomas Kail, Luz & Luis Miranda, Bruce Cohen & Gabe Catone, Tom Healy & Fred P. Hochberg, Barbara Marcin & Orin Kramer, Stacey & Eric Mindich, Karen & Gary Rose, Janet & Marvin Rosen, Alexandra & Eric Schoenberg, Ted Snowdon & Duffy Violante, Henry Tisch & Sean Walsh.

President To Attend 'Broadway For Biden' Fundraising Concert Featuring Josh Groban, Ben Platt, Sara Bareilles, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Cynthia Erivo & Other Top Stage Stars

On Community


Boxcars, The Sequel


Chances III

"I found out a long time ago that you have to take some chances in this life. Otherwise you are just a vegetable, headed for the soup pot."

-Robert A. Heinlein,
Red Planet (1949)


"I will not participate in the Democratic victory tonight. I do not care for my share in a victory that means that the poor and the downtrodden, the blind, the helpless, the orphaned, the bleeding, the wounded, the hungry, and the distressed will be the victims."

-Huey Long,
on President Roosevelt's threatened veto of the Veterans Bonus