Dog retrieves his best friend - a cat buried in the garden
--Russell Jenkins
A pet dog missed the family’s dead cat so much that he dug up his grave and brought the body back into the house.
When Oscar’s owners woke up the next morning they discovered the dog curled up beside Arthur, the late cat, in his basket.
His owners, Robert Bell, 73, and his wife, Mavis, of Wigan, Greater Manchester, believe that the dog had licked the cat clean before falling asleep.
Mr Bell said that the two pets were constant companions. Arthur, who was a large cat, used to help Oscar to climb on to the sofa.
Oscar, an 18-month-old Lancashire Heeler, had watched Mr Bell dig a grave in the garden and then lower the cat into the hole.Mr Bell said: “He had managed to climb out through the cat flap in the night, obviously with the intent to get Arthur back. Bearing in mind that Arthur was a huge cat, Oscar must have used all the strength he could muster.
“Then he pulled him into the basket and went to sleep next to him. Arthur’s coat was gleaming white. Oscar had obviously licked him clean. It must have taken him nearly all night.”
Arthur is now reburied in a secure grave. And Oscar has a new playmate, a kitten called Limpet.
Source: London Times, January 10, 2008_______________________________________________
This response to the article came from one of the email lists I'm on:
When Dante (my older dog) first came home as a pup I had three cats. He and the eldest, Maggie, ended up good friends - they would sleep together, play tag, and generally hang out.
I lost Dante for a year and a half (my ex took him when he left, then gave him back). When he came back, he and Maggie picked up their friendship. Maggie left us a few months after Dante came back. I let Dante see her body and he watched me bury her in the back yard.
For weeks after that, he would fret and pace around the house, focusing on places where she hung out in her last months.
One day, I found a cedar carving of a sleeping cat the same size as Maggie and had a feeling I needed to buy it. Bought it, brought it home, and put it in one of Maggie's favorite sleeping spots. Dante went over to it, sniffed it thorougly, looked at me, fetched up an enormous sigh...and stopped pacing and fretting. It was like he needed me to show him that I missed her, too.