Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Smashing The Façade Of Compassion

The only "experiment" is how much people will put up with before they've had enough.

The "annual pumpkin drop" says, loud and clear, that government, the magpie media, and most students, don't give a flying rat's rectum about people who will skip a meal tonight because they can't afford food.

Destroying pumpkins that could instead have been turned into reasonably nutritious sustenance.

It's a big "F--- You" to the impoverished, to the hungry, to the homeless, that the same governments, media, and students, fake concern and compassion about.

As the town begins its' Halloween celebrations, California State University, Chico (Chico State) had a head start with their annual pumpkin drop experiment on campus.

“I’m really excited to get it underway. Elementary school kids look forward to this, the teachers look forward to this. It’s just an exciting way to draw students in to learning about physics and science and the ideas that led to our current understanding of gravity in a very fun way of watching pumpkins smash,” said Dr. Kendall Hall, associate professor of physics.

Smashing pumpkins: Chico State drops knowledge with annual Halloween gravity experiment

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Halloween 2023


Happy Hillaryween!


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Karma's A Bitch, eh Matthew?

May 25, 2021
'Friends' star Matthew Perry catches backlash for selling T-shirt promoting coronavirus vaccines


October 28, 2023
Matthew Perry, Friends Star, Dead at 54

Matthew Perry, best known for playing Chandler Bing on NBC’s Friends, has died. He was 54.

According to TMZ, which first broke the news, Perry’s cause of death was drowning.

“Law enforcement sources tell us the actor was found Saturday at an L.A.-area home, where we’re told he appears to have drowned,” TMZ reports. “Our sources say first-responders rushed over on a call for cardiac arrest. It’s unclear where exactly on the grounds this happened. He was found in a jacuzzi at the home, and we’re told there were no drugs found at the scene. We’re also told there is no foul play involved.”

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Friday, October 20, 2023

Foods That I Like


Raising Kids



"Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point of the universe. This idea is not novel. Men have been led to it long ago by instinct or reason; it has been expressed in many ways, and in many places, in the history of old and new. We find it in the delightful myth of Antaeus, who derives power from the earth; we find it among the subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathematicians and in many hints and statements of thinkers of the present time. Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic! If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic — and this we know it is, for certain — then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature."

-Nikola Tesla,
"Experiments With Alternate Currents Of High Potential And High Frequency" (February 1892)


"There is magic just outside our memory."

- Suzka,
"Wonders in Dementialand: An Artist's Intimate and Whimsical Account of Dementia, Memory Loss, Caregiving and Dancing Gypsies"

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Out Of The Womb, Still In The Crosshairs

The attitude of the British government is that six-month-old Indi Gregory is "Life Unworthy Of Life". Just like last time.

Where does one draw the line on whether someone's continuing to live is too expensive? The baby's case is “difficult”, but the only “problem” is money. The British government claims that Indi is suffering, but there is no indication that government proffered overwhelming—or any—evidence. It just tossed out an opinion, a conclusion without foundation. Instead of trying innovative healing to remedy the child's condition, much better to murder the child in cold blood. If it cost a few buck, don't give a f***.

“Under the Nazis, there was increasing discussion of the possibility of mercy killings, of the Hoche concept of the 'mentally dead,' and of the enormous economic drain on German society caused by the large number of these impaired people. A mathematics text asked the student to calculate how many government loans to newly married couples could be granted for the amount of money it cost the state to care for 'the crippled, the criminal, and the insane.'"
--Robert Jay Lifton,
"The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing And The Psychology Of Genocide", page 48

"That's a tradeoff society is making because of very, very high medical costs and a lack of willingness to say, you know, is spending $1 million on that last 3 months of life for that patient, would it be better not to lay off the -- those 10 teachers and to make that trade off in medical cost. But that's called the death panel, and you're not supposed to have that discussion."
--Bill Gates
Aspen Conference, July 8, 2010

From Not Dead Yet's FB Post:

Another UK case about withholding treatment from an infant with a life-threatening, likely fatal, condition. The "best interests" language really bothers me:

"The [NHS] trust seek a declaration that in the event Indi again deteriorates to a point where medical care and treatment is required to sustain her life, that it is not in Indi's best interests to receive any critical care or painful interventions, and it is lawful for her treating clinicians to withhold the same.

"The trust also seek a declaration that it is lawful and in Indi's best interests to be cared for in accordance with the compassionate care plan and such other treatment and nursing care as her treating clinicians in their judgment consider clinically appropriate to ensure that Indi suffers the least pain and distress and retains the greatest dignity."

The parents of a critically ill baby girl have asked a judge to prevent medics ending her life support.

Six-month-old Indi Gregory has mitochondrial disease and is being cared for at the Queen's Medical Centre (QMC) in Nottingham.

The hospital has applied to the High Court to end her treatment and has said it can do no more for her.

Her parents said they were devastated by the application and that their daughter deserved a chance at life.


Barrister Emma Sutton KC, who led the trust's legal team, told the judge that Indi was "critically" ill.

"Since her birth, Indi has required intensive medical treatment to meet her complex needs and is currently a patient on the paediatric intensive care unit within Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham," Ms Sutton said.

Judge to decide on ending critically ill baby girl's life support

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Pinnacle Of Success


Near II

"The spirit is so near that you can’t see it! But reach for it… don’t be a jar, full of water, whose rim is always dry. Don’t be the rider who gallops all night and never sees the horse that is beneath him."

Sunday, October 15, 2023

All Along



"People died so you’d have the right to vote." No, they did not; they died for freedom. In the case where freedom was explicitly attached to the symbol of democratic rights, like female suffrage, I don’t imagine they’d’ve been so willing if they’d known how tokenistic voting was to become. Note too these martyrs did not achieve their ends by participating in a hollow, predefined ritual, the infertile dry hump of gestural democracy; they did it by direct action.

Emily Davison, the hero of women’s suffrage, hurled herself in front of the king’s horses; she defied the tyranny that oppressed her and broke the boundaries that contained her. I imagine too that this woman would have had the rebellious perspicacity to understand that the system she was opposing would adjust to incorporate the female vote and deftly render it irrelevant. This woman, who left her job as a teacher to dedicate her life to activism, was imprisoned nine times. She used methods as severe and diverse as arson and hunger-striking to protest and at the time of her death would have been regarded as a terrorist.

-Russell Brand,
"Revolution" (2014)

Chicago's Restocking The Anarchy Shelves

The organized crime syndicate known as “Chicago” wants to go into the grocery and drug store business.

Because...the criminals, and people desperate for survival, won't do the same thing to government whores, er "stores", that they did to private businesses?

If anything, the gloves will come off if the "stores" are owned and run by government. In that event, there will be almost zero connection with the community.

Until we unite to bring about change to the entire United States, and when that happens people elsewhere will be in a stronger position to do the same where they are, one of the few practical options is to get out while one still can. Illinois leads the way on that score.

Those with an understanding of history will see how this connects to Lyndon Johnson's “Great Society”, in which small businesses owned by black Americans, and black American families, were devastated—by design.

It's another timely reminder that the sane among us need to come together and take this country back. That Martin Luther King was killed much more for his uniting of Americans than his opposition to mass murder in Vietnam. Never forget that Martin was putting together a Poor People's March when thegovernment took him out. Not a Black, Brown, or White People's March.

Likewise, never forget that Senator Robert F. Kennedy endorsed programs that based help on need, not upon skin pigmentation or ancestry.

THAT was the bigger threat they posed.

Of course, had Bobby become President, he would have been in a position to get to the truth of the overthrow of the United States Government on November 22, 1963, and that prospect further sealed his fate.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) is looking into opening taxpayer-funded, city-owned grocery stores in areas in which businesses have pulled out due to rampant crime.


Johnson claimed his administration is “committed to advancing innovative, whole-of-government approaches to address these inequities.”

["Whole Of Government”? He means All Of Government, which if you buy into that indicates you have a whole hole in your head. Screw small mom-and-pop businesses. No interest in providing a quality police force. Creating Living Wage Jobs is Job None. Transforming to a judicial system that works is off the bench. A prison system that reforms is still not on the to-do list. Health practitioners rather than drug providers? Ha! It will continue to be the other way around. Keeping families together rather than using the welfare system to splinterand scatter them to the winds has no traction with the regime.]


The partnership comes as a plethora of mega-retailers have closed multiple stores in Chicago. For example, Walmart closed four out of its remaining eight stores in Chicago in April.

Walgreens and Aldi are among the other businesses that have shut down stores in Chicago


Although Johnson’s police chief Umi Grisby claimed the city would not be “spending any taxpayer dollars,” Johnson’s office said the grocery stores would be funded by grant money from state and federal tax dollars.

[Those of you who had nothing to do with the nightmare Chicago has become will be paying for its further destruction].

ChicagoMayor Brandon Johnson Wants to Open City-Owned Grocery Stores

FBPosting Of Story.

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Friday, October 06, 2023

Animal Nation



Jean-Luc Picard: Do they know of our Prime Directive?

Data: They know everything I know, sir.

Jean-Luc Picard: And if we were to violate the Prime Directive...

Beverly Crusher: That's not a fair question.

Jean-Luc Picard: How would they react?

Data: That would be a case of judging us by our own rules, sir. If we violate our own Prime Directive they might consider us to be deceitful and untrustworthy. You do recall, they cautioned us not to interfere with their children below. What has happened?

Beverly Crusher: The Edo want to execute my son.

-Star Trek: The Next Generation
Season 1, Episode 8, "Justice"

Obedience Pays Off


Bearable Truths

Occasionally, the mainstream press and government get it right.

And the bear got it right.

When will humans get it right and start defending THEIR food sources?

"Nature Bats Last". Bill, Klaus, Greta, and their friends at Monsanto might keep that in mind. Nature, like deities, often works through others who have had enough.

An investigation into the grizzly bear mauling a man south of Big Sky last week found that the attack was defensive, Montana officials said Wednesday.

Bozeman resident Rudy Noorlander, 61, was helping two hunters locate a deer carcass on Friday in the Buck Ridge Yellow Mule area when he was mauled by a grizzly.


Officials were unsuccessful in locating the bear following the attack and have suspended search efforts. Bears defending food sources is a natural behavior, especially during fall hyperphagia as they prepare for hibernation.


“The presence of these food sources so close to the location of the attack further supports the investigation finding that the mauling was defensive,” a press release from the Custer Gallatin National Forest stated.

The grizzly bear was potentially wounded, as the two unharmed hunters shot at it after the attack to scare it away. But officials have been unable to confirm if the bear is injured and found no bear blood at the sight of the attack, said FWP spokesperson Morgan Jacobsen.

'Strongest, goofiest guy I know': Bozeman man survives mauling from grizzly defending food source

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Thursday, October 05, 2023

FEMA "Test" And Birds In The Lab Mine: A Something Very Bad BurgerSu

I covered the FEMA “Test” on October 1st, and will have at least one more Post on the subject after I get through all of the material. In the meantime, some think the “Test” was a big nothingburger this time. Alas, not so.


From Larry Schwable, Posted on his FB Page on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 3:11 Pacific Time/6:11 pm Ohio Time.

So today, during the national test, I did a thing, let's call it an experiment for the sake of further learning....

I drove to the park where I knew there would be lots of birds, the experiment was to see if nature was affected by the test...

At 10 minutes after 2pm, with my devices secured and locked down, I started tinkering with the detailing of my car just to appear busy...

The next thing I know THE BIRDS began to screech and scream like they were in serious pain, it was right at 2:20 on the clock in my car...

I stood, and looked out toward the trees, where the screeching was coming from, all behind my car in the woods...

I waited, as time approached 2:50pm the obnoxious sounds began to subside, the birds were totally calmed and back to peaceful by 3pm...

What did I learn? That the testing affects living beings, as birds were literally screaming, to what extent were they affected, we will have to wait and see, in the meantime, stay frosty my friends...


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Sunday, October 01, 2023

The FEMA Demon Of October 4th

FEMA has an "Emergency Alert Test" scheduled for October 4, 2023, starting at “approximately” 11:20 am Pacific Time. The “Test” is scheduled to last 30 minutes. What the heck? The normal irritating “tests” are 10 seconds to one minute. No hint is given as to what they plan to do with that other 29 minutes.

Note that FEMA's announcement was made on August 3, 2023. To give us plenty of time to get scared, spread fear, or both.

From the demon, er FEMA, website:

"Test Messages Will be Sent to All TVs, Radios and Cell Phones"


"In case the Oct. 4 test is postponed due to widespread severe weather or other significant events, the back-up testing date is Oct. 11."


"Beginning at approximately 2:20 p.m. ET [11:20 a.m. Pacific Time], cell towers will broadcast the test for approximately 30 minutes. During this time, WEA-compatible wireless phones that are switched on, within range of an active cell tower, and whose wireless provider participates in WEA, should be capable of receiving the test message.

For consumers, the message that appears on their phones will read: 'THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.'"


The EAS portion of the test is scheduled to last approximately one minute and will be conducted with the participation of radio and television broadcasters, cable systems, satellite radio and television providers and wireline video providers.

It's long been known that FEMA has carved the US into “Regions”. For our protection, blah blah blah. Perhaps “Cellblocks” would be a more accurate term than “Regions”. All, the better to destroy the country.

Perhaps you will want to say a little prayer with your government overseer before October 4th. So you can be reassured, coddled, and otherwise be conditioned to render everything unto Cesar. None of that overturning tables and throwing out the tyrants stuff.

Katrina was just a warmup act.

Daisy Moses has a great take on the “Test". Basically, Daisy says the October 4th “Test” is likely a PsyOp, not “The Big Event”. An exercise designed to gather information on who might resist the forces of darkness, who will be roadkill, and the in-betweens. It might be a test to see how well FEMA can acquire information/data from your electronics. At the same time, it sets some up for being seen as Chicken Little shouting, “The sky is falling”, or perhaps The Whackjob That Cried Wolf. Daisy, accurately I think, concludes that the October 4th “Test” is a no-win situation, and that sometime down the road—after many have been lulled into, or kept in, a state of complacency, then something awful will be launched, perhaps without any warning.

It's a long article, but one well worth reading to gain a better understanding of how things work, and how October 4th is just the beginning.

Duck you Suckers!

So then, what to do? Hope for the best, plan for the worst. Don't bet your life that October 4th will be a nothingburger. At the same time, don't go off the deep end with fear, either.

My plans, starting an hour or so before the “Test” is scheduled to begin:

--Disconnect the cable wire. In my case, the cable television company provides the internet service. I will disconnect the cable wire from the modem, and unplug both the modem and the router. I'll also unplug other electronics that could receive the signal from FEMA.

--Stay away from any “Smart Meters” and cell phone towers. We may not be able to disconnect them, but we sure don't have to give them a virtual hug by being in their vicinity.

--Don't just turn your cell phone off. Do your homework and figure out how to prevent it from receiving any signal from FEMA. There are many different kinds of cell phones, and I don't want to send out some sort of “one size fits all” recommendation that makes a mess of things in some cases. If nothing else, at least put it in a different room than you're in.

--If you have a landline, unplug the phone, both the phone wire and any electrical connection.

In a separate Post, I will cover other aspects of ongoing preparation: Keeping your immune system strong, getting rid of spike proteins and graphene oxide particularly, detoxifying generally, keeping your health up generally.

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