I said, "Just wait."
--Judy Tenuta
If life were meant to be boring, we would all be living in Disneyland and eating paste. But we chose otherwise. Enjoy and participate actively in this temporary escapade we call "life". Adventures are not meant to be spent lounging at the side of the road. --TLC
"What sickens us so much about the cruelty shown to poor animals? I suppose this: first, that they have done us no harm; next, that they have no power whatever of resistance; it is the cowardice and tyranny of which they are the victims which make their sufferings so especially touching… there is something so very dreadful, so satanic, in tormenting those who have never harmed us and who cannot defend themselves; who are utterly in our power." --John Henry Newman
"I hope all these Republicans who support all this stuff in Iraq and object so violently to expanding children’s health care don’t call themselves pro-life." --The Salina [Kansas] Journal's anonymous Extension 333 call-in line, published October 21, 2007
The American commitment to free speech is the most robust in the world. But these days that tolerance stops at the border.
Two cases pending in federal court in Manhattan will soon test how far the government can go in keeping Americans safe from what a State Department manual calls the “irresponsible expressions of opinion by prominent aliens.”
One case concerns a decision by the Bush administration to bar a Muslim scholar from visiting the United States. The other is a criminal prosecution of two Brooklyn businessmen for transmitting Hezbollah’s television station on their satellite service.Rep. Hunter: Undocumented Illegal Immigrants "Being Rounded Up and Forced to Illegally Vote"
In other campaign news, Republican presidential candidate Congressman Duncan Hunter has claimed undocumented workers are being rounded up and forced to illegally vote in the United States. He said "We have right now a real danger of people that are illegally in the country being rounded up, herded into the polls, we've seen that in California, voting illegally. That disenfranchises everybody in that community."
Source: Democracy Now, October 9, 2007The turning of America into a Police State don't *really* think it's just a "training camp" do you?
My email to Senator Boxer and Senator Fräulein Feinstein:
I fail to understand why you have not come out in oppostion to Blackwater's attempt to establish a death camp in San Diego County.
Unless you are determined to see America turned into a Police State. Or turned into another "Disaster Capitalism" opportunity for the corporations that have CONgress bought off and/or intimidated.
The choice is simple: Are you the Senator from California? Or the Senator from Blackwater?
Terry L. Clark
Blackwater USA, the private right-wing mercenary army that has spiraled out of control in Iraq, is trying to set up a para-military base right here in California, populated by 360 staff and "students." They want to acquire 824 acres of land in a sleepy rural corner of San Diego County to build a mercenary training facility, consisting of 15 firing ranges, a helipad, and a heavy vehicle operator's course covering the equivalent of 10 football fields.
The security of California and our citizens is at stake. We hoped Senator Feinstein and Senator Boxer got the message when the Courage Campaign delivered 8,543 of your petition signatures to their offices. We hoped they got the message when the California Democratic Party passed a resolution -- putting the party on record -- opposing Blackwater's dangerous base on the border. We hoped they would take a stand with their party and with us. But we haven't heard a word.
It's time for our Senators to stand with us and the California Democratic Party against Blackwater.
"It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism while the wolf remainsof a different opinion." --William Ralph Inge (1860-1954) English author, Anglican prelate