If you're not an American Express cardholder, forward this to those who might be. Very worthwhile effort.
From: Kathie <
Date: Jun 18, 2007 6:30 PM
Over the last 6 years I have signed petitions, wrote letters, sent emails and did anything I could to help any animal anywhere. I have begged for help with transports, donated money when I could and made dog quilts to put on Ebay so the proceeds could go to help rescues and shelters all over the United States. Now I am asking for your help and it won't cost anything but a few moments of your time.
If you are an American Express card holder, you can help me if I am selected to be in the top 50 projects chosen. Why they only allow AMEX folks I don't know but there has to be a lot of them around the world.
As most of you know, I have been trying to get a sanctuary off the ground for several years. Sadly, finances have always been the main problem. AMEX is offering $5,000,000.00 (Yup, that's 5 million) to the winner of the Members Project. I signed up and my project was selected by AMEX. My project is number 6216.
If you are a AMEX cardholder can you go to
www.membersproject.com and sign up? It costs nothing and every person who signs up, AMEX adds a dollar to the pot up to 5 million. On the page you can type in my number on the top right where it says "Search Projects" or you can go directly to my project at
http://www.membersproject.com/Community_Development/6216?search=true The advisory panel and AMEX will be making a decision on July 3rd and picking the top 50 projects. The advisory panel is made up of well known folks like Jane Goodall, Ellen DeGeneres and 6 others and can be seen at
http://www.membersproject.com/meet-the-panel.htm There are 9 categories so I'm not sure if they pick a few from each one or how they decide, I just know I would love to win that prize. And to be honest, I wouldn't need all that money. I would take about half to put into 3 medical funds for animals in dire need. Abused animals, puppy mill rescued animals and naturally, ones who don't fall under those categories but still need expensive medical treatment but their rescues/shelters cannot afford it. 2.5 million can help a lot of animals.
So please, take a moment to go to the AMEX site and look over my project. If you feel I am worthy of your vote if I am picked for the top 50, log in or register. I will let everyone know if I am picked so voting can start. If you aren't an AMEX card holder, that's ok. You can still help me by sending this out to folks who might be.
Thank you in advance for any help and keep your paws crossed I am picked. (A few prayers might help too :)