Scale Of Values
--Lloyd Biggle Jr.
If life were meant to be boring, we would all be living in Disneyland and eating paste. But we chose otherwise. Enjoy and participate actively in this temporary escapade we call "life". Adventures are not meant to be spent lounging at the side of the road. --TLC
Dear Editor:
The dispute over how "school resource officers" are to be funded illustrates how far we have fled from the ideals of those who founded our country.
It wasn't that long ago that police stationed in schools was something we in the US accurately said was one of the horrors of the old Soviet Union (USSR) and other totalitarian regimes.
My how times have changed.
Cops in the schools, and children whacked out of their minds on sugar and mind-altering drugs (The "legal" ones--BigPharma has more effective lobbyists than those for less dangerous drugs like marijuana). A generation being trained, socially and chemically, to accept authoritarian power as an ever-present part of their lives, while being placed in a constant state of fear that without the presence of Big Brother, all will be lost. Narcotics serve to further numb the next generation. Children who have "adverse reactions" to those pharmaceutical toxins, such as anxiety, aggression, and complete mental breakdowns, will be swept under the rug as mere "collateral damage", and be used to maintain the constant state of terror among other children and the public.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." --Sinclair Lewis
Or a badge and a prescription pad.
Terry L. Clark
A good article in Salon's War Room today about Rumsfeld's speech to the American Legion. My Posting at Salon:
When I first skimmed the wire service articles on this, I thought Rumsfeld had broken ranks and was, finally, warning the American people about the Fourth Reich that threatens our futures.
Never mind. Same old Goebbels Junior.
For those willing to speak up for those whose voices so many choose to ignore, be sure to send a letter to the Long Beach Press-Telegram,
Then, do a Google News search,, on Alexia Tiraki-Kyrklund for additional newspapers covering the story.
Dear Editor:
The unfortunate events at Noah's Ark Animal Rescue speak volumes about the extent to which life is respected in California.
On first impression, it appears that Noah's Ark took on too many animals given their limited financial and human resources. The news reports, however, fail to connect the dots as to why Noah's Ark held onto those animals in less than optimal conditions.
The first "why" is staring the reader in the eye: Rather than roll up their sleeves and call upon others in the "law enforcement" community to pitch in and help out, the Long Beach and County authoritarians had a one-word response: Kill.
"Kill" has become a common response of governments in California to sentient beings that are considered inconvenient.
California is awash in the blood of those slaughtered by the California Department Of Fish & Game, whose mission, alas only on paper, is to "manage California's diverse fish, wildlife, and plant resources".
Stanley "Tookie" Williams had made great strides toward turning his life around, reaching out to the youth of California to show them that there is a better way than to join gangs. But to spare Williams' life might have made HerrGoobernator appear to be "soft on crime", and so in order to get a few more votes, the highest elected official in California had Mr. Williams killed.
But even in supposedly-liberal northern California, an officer of the Humboldt County Sheriff's Department responded to an animal hoarder's threat to shoot her dogs, not with an admonition to do no such thing, and not with an offer of help, but rather with: "I advised her we would need to verify the dog(s) had been destroyed prior to her disposing of the bodies".
More than thirty years ago, a thorough FBI study documented that serial killers often start with animals. Today, many California governmental "law enforcement" personnel reflect that profile.
Those who work at and contribute to the noble efforts at Noah's Ark recognized that where there is life, there is hope. And that when government agencies in California become involved, there is, all too often, death.
Terry L. Clark
There are so many inane things unthinkingly being emailed all about. One of the inanities starts out:
"A major research institution (MRI) has recently announced the discovery of the heaviest chemical element yet known to science. The new element has been tentatively named Governmentium. Governmentium has 1 neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons, and 224 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312."
If you haven't read the whole diatribe, are masochistic, and wish to risk damage to your brain cells, you can read the whole thing HERE.
My Response:
Would you care to turn governmental functions over to Halliburton, ExxonMobil, and the other corporations that have bought our Democratic Republic?
Or do we need to get off our collective a**es and reclaim our government?
"The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is inefficiency. An efficient bureaucracy is the greatest threat to liberty." --Eugene McCarthy, Time magazine, February 12, 1979
But of course, it is the multinational corporations that desire to alienate the American people from their government, so that the multinationals can reign supreme.
As they say in AA, "Be careful what you wish for, you might get it".
Good news for Katie Couric: Lots of people know her and like her. In fact, Couric, who takes the "CBS Evening News" anchor chair Sept. 5, is better known than her soon-to-be rivals, according to a poll released Thursday by Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.
While the word most often associated with all three journalists was good, the list of adjectives for Couric included perky, cute, nice, energetic, bubbly and fluffy--words no one raised for Gibson or Williams.
Other words Couric inspired were informed, knowledgeable and smart. But her personality and style were foremost on the minds of the respondents, as opposed to their words describing Gibson and Williams.
Full Story: SF Chronicle, August 24, 2006
I wonder, did the survey people ask those responding, as to "Katie", about the words, embarrassmentt", "joke", and "farce"?
C-Span "Book TV" begins airing The Case for Impeachment talk
An exciting 75-minute book event featuring Lindorff and Olshansky, which was taped by C-Span at Robin's Books in Philadelphia in July, will begin airing nationally on C-Span2's "Book TV" program this Saturday. The first airings are set for Saturday (8/26) at 11pm ET (10pm CT/9pm MT/8pm PT) and again Sunday (8/27) at 8:15am ET (7:15am CT/6:15am MT/5:15am PT).
TV Networks Focus on JonBenet Ramsey Case Over NSA Ruling
The major court ruling on the National Security Agency surveillance program has received scant coverage from the nation’s three major networks. On Thursday, ABC, CBS and NBC all led their nightly broadcasts with the latest in the 1996 murder case of child beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey. ABC devoted twice as much time in its broadcast to Ramsey as it did to the NSA story. CBS offered seven times as much airtime to Ramsey as it did to the NSA story. And NBC devoted 15 times more airtime to Ramsey.
Source: Democracy Now, August 21, 2006Length of Iraq War Exceeds Length of U.S. Involvement in WWII
Meanwhile more than 1250 days have passed since the U.S. invaded Iraq. The length of the ongoing war in Iraq is now a week longer than the U.S. involvement in World War II.
Thanks to Democracy Now, August 21, 2006Tim Dickinson of Rolling Stone had the following Post:
8/18/06, 1:54 pm EST
Quote of the Day: Biden and Wiretaps
“No one is against wiretapping suspected terrorists. The question is how to bring this program within the law.” — 2008 contender Sen Joe Biden (D-Delaware) responding to the ruling that Bush’s warrantless NSA wiretaps are unconstitutional. -- Tim Dickinson
My reply, Posted to the Comments section:
I'm no fan of Biden--far from it. However, the quote you provide, however delightful, is taken out of context. The preceding paragraph of the Chicago Times article states:
"Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) said the decision "confirms the doubts I have had about the program's constitutionality ever since I first learned about it." He urged the White House to work with Congress to make changes to the program."
Read in context, I think it is clear that Biden agrees that the program is unconstitutional, and needs to be brought within the confines of the Constitution.
Are there many RepublicoFascists in Congress and elsewhere that think a law passed by Congress will make constitutional that which is unconstitutional? Absolutely. Is Biden one of them? Maybe--but that's not what he said.
Let those of us who believe that FauxNews is nothing more than the modern equivalent of a Goebbels propaganda organ be careful not to emulate Faux by taking things out of context.
Britain facing a new breed of fascist, warns Reid
Britain is facing a new breed of "unconstrained" terrorists who have access to chemical and biological weapons to cause mass destruction, the Home Secretary warned today.
Full Article, London Times, August 9, 2006
My letter to the London Times:
Dear Editor:
When I saw the headline, "Britain facing a new breed of fascist", I thought you were finally doing an insightful article on Tony Blair. Chemical and biological weapons, mass destruction? That certainly describes the role of Britain and the US in Iraq, and elsewhere.
Unfortunately, such an insightful article turned out to be wishful thinking on my part.
Terry L. Clark